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Gepubliceerd op 04 jan 2018

SPRINKLER SYSTEMS - Planning and Installation

This document specifies requirements and gives recommendations for the design, installation and maintenance of fixed fire sprinkler systems in buildings and industrial plants, and particular requirements or sprinkler systems which require high level of reliability.
It covers the classification of hazards, provision of water supplies, components to be used, installation and testing of the system, maintenance, and the extension of existing systems, and identifies construction details of buildings which are necessary for satisfactory performance of sprinkler systems.

This non-binding standard has been developed by prevention bodies, under the initiative of the insurers or their representatives grouped at European level in the Insurance Europe Prevention Forum.: ANPI asbl, Belgium - CEPREVEN, Spain - CNPP, France -  DBI, Denmark -  FPA, United Kingdom – VdS, Germany.

Ontwerpers en installateurs van sprinkler blussystemen, de veiligheidsadviseurs en gebruikers, studiebureaus, architecten, preventieofficiers van de brandweer en de verzekeraars

Taal: Engels

Gegevens voor de bestelling:

Referentie: CEA 4001 PDF
Prijs: € 80 exclusief BTW en administratieve kosten -
Dit document is niet inbegrepen bij de abonnementen Formule "Expert" en "Brandweer" 2017/2018

Abonnees"+" en "Expert" Formules: 15%
Abonnees "Hulpverleningzones & Brandweer": 25 %
