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NTN 187-L Single use fire blankets - (Electric) cars

Edition: 2024

This data sheet applies to fire blankets for (electric) vehicles. These are characterized by two distinct uses:

  1. the cover for the individual which must be used only once
  2. the cover for intensive use, dedicated for example for fire services or fire schools.

Covers for intensive use might be used a (limited but multiple) number of times on different fires. This multiple usage is only allowed by professional users like fire services who always have an alternative solution to extinguish the fire in case the cover would not fulfill its job due to wear and tear. This Technical Note does not distinguish testing between these two types of cover. Covers are only tested to be used a single time. As numerous car fire blankets hit the market annually, a Technical Note including tests is necessary to make sure the products available meet the desired requirements.

Therefore, the aim of this NTN is to propose a list of requirements to the extent of evaluating and testing car fire blankets.

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