Manufacturers of fire, intrusion and theft protection products and systems, and electronic products may use ANPI's high-tech services and equipment to perform tests in accordance with European and international standards or Belgian technical notices.
Experts at your service
Discover our services and activities
Building intrusion protection
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Protection of values and vehicles against theft
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Fire protection
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- Home protection
- Smoke and heat management in sprinkler protection
- The Fire Detection
Fire extinguishing
- Extinguishing modules for boiler burners
- Sprinkler systems
- Gas extinguishing systems
- Extinguishing modules for electrical cabinets
- Extinguishing modules for industrial kitchens
- Aerosol fire extinguishing sprays
- Fire extinguishing media
- Other extinguishing resources
- Fire blankets
- Hose reels (fire hose cabinets)
- Portable and mobile extinguishers
Our services
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- EMC tests
- Electromagnetic environment measurement and assessment
- Performance tests on radio links
- Electrical safety tests
- Performance tests on vehicle anti-theft protection
- Performance tests for building intrusion protection
- Performance tests for fire protection
- Performance tests for protection of valuables
- Climatic and mechanical environmental tests
ANPI laboratories
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Other electronic applications
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21 days
It is the time spent by a detector in the climatic chamber. A minimum of 2 months is required to cover the large number of tests to be carried out on a single detector model.
On average, amongst 20 models of new fire detectors submitted for lab testing , only 3 models will effectively pass all tests on the first attempt. This is the reason of existence for our laboratories.