Valuable objects, cash, weapons or important documents may be in danger of theft or destruction by fire.
Safes, vaults, resistant storage cabinets, and smart transit cases are available on the market to protect these valuables.
For most of these products, there is no legislation imposing a minimum performance level.
This is why certification, particularly by ANPI, remains the benchmark for guaranteeing performance.
The Safe Value Protection (SVP) department of ANPI laboratories conducts tests on various safe value protection products.
We conduct various tests on these products, including compliance with the following standards.
- NBN EN 1047-1 Secure storage units - Classification and methods of test for resistance to fire - Part 1: Data cabinets and diskette inserts
- NBN EN 1047-2 Secure storage units - Classification and methods of test for resistance to fire - Part 2: Data rooms and data containers
- EN 1143-1 - Secure storage units - Requirements, classification and methods of test for resistance to burglary - Part 1: Safes, ATM safes, strongroom doors and strongrooms
- EN 1143-2 - Secure storage units - Requirements, classification and methods of test for resistance to burglary - Part 2: Deposit systems
- NBN EN 14450 - Secure storage units - Requirements, classification and methods of test for resistance to burglary - Secure safe cabinets