The Royal Decree of 8 September 2019 makes Book 1 on low and very low voltage electrical installations, Book 2 on high voltage electrical installations and Book 3 on installations for the transport and distribution of electrical energy mandatory. The text was published in the Belgian Official Journal on 28 October 2019.
These three Books repeal the General Regulations on Electrical Installations (RGIE) approved by :
- the Royal Decree of 10 March 1981 making the General Regulations on Electrical Installations mandatory for domestic installations and certain electrical energy transmission and distribution lines, and
- the Royal Decree of 2 September 1981 of 2 September 1981 amending the General Regulations on electrical installations and making them compulsory in establishments classified as dangerous, unhealthy or inconvenient as well as in those referred to in Article 28 of the General Regulations for the protection of labour.
It will come into force on 1 June 2020!
The new RGIE is structured in 3 books:
- Book 1: Low-voltage and extra-low-voltage electrical installations
- Book 2: High-voltage electrical installations
- Book 3: Installations for the transport and distribution of electrical energy
Source: General explanatory note Restructuring of the RGIE 28 October 2019 published on the FPS Economy website:
More information in the next Fire & Security Alert Magazine.