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From 18 September to 3 October 2021This year's Safety Fortnight focuses on how to recharge your batteries...
On Monday 6 September, the Directorate-General for Civil Protection of the FPS Interior launched a prevention campaign...
NBN S 21-100-1:2021Fire detection and fire alarm systems: Part 1: Requirements for risk analysis and needs...
AMENDMENT TO T 033 - T 033:2020 + AMD 1:2021/ed. 3/ad. 1 (2021-08) - Additional requirements for testing of alarm...
ANPI regularly communicates the information and guidelines of the "Fire" and "Theft" Commissions of the CFPA-E Europe ...
The 5th edition of T 021C 2021 "Requirements for post-theft tracking devices for vehicles and mobile objects: TT" is...
Notification: 2021/430/B Basic standardsThe FPS Interior has submitted to the European authorities a draft...
As a reminder, following the entry into force of BREXIT, CE certification is no longer valid in Great Britain. (See...
A new edition of NTN 179-L has been published.NTN 179-L "Compatibility and connectability of fire detection system...
In accordance with the GPDR and its privacy policy, ANPI asbl does not communicate private data to others.