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Publié le 16 juil 2021

ANPI communique régulièrement les informations et guidelines des Commissions "Incendie" et "Vol" du CFPA-E Europe (Confederation for fire protection Europe).

Le groupe de travail dédié aux risques naturels partage 2 dossiers consacrés aux inondations (en anglais).
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Courage à tous les citoyens touchés par les intempéries et les inondations catastrophiques de ces derniers jours.

CFPA E Guideline No 1 2012
Protection against flood

Potential risk and loss experience
Risk assessment and management
Objectives strategies and protection plan
Protection measures
Model emergency plan (Who does what, when, where and how?)

 CFPA E Guideline No 7 2018 N
Demountable / Mobile flood protection systems

Contents :
Examples of available systems
Functional characteristics as criteraia for selection of systems
Operational experiences
Quality assurance measures their assessment
Declaration of the manufacturer
Operating precautions for proper use
Functional characteristics of sandbag systems (of jute or plastics)




Marques de qualité